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Chicken salad

Chicken salad is a great treat for lunch, dinner or to take to a potluck. There are many variations of chicken salad you can make from the basic recipe.


1 1⁄2 c chicken (cooked chicken chunks, diced small)
1⁄2 c celery (chopped)
1⁄2 c onion (thinly sliced or chopped)
1⁄2 c raisin (or seedless grapes, white or purple)
1⁄4 c mayonnaise (or mayonnaise based sauce)
  seasoning (to taste)


Mix all the ingredients, except the diced chicken, in a bowl - add your own condiments and extra ingredients here.

Add the chicken and mix to coat in the dressing. Check the seasoning.

Chill until needed.

Total time
15 minutes
Cooking time
Preparation time
4 servings


Substitute mayonnaise with curried mayonnaise, thousand islands, Marie Rose sauce, or a simple salad dressing.

Substitute raising or grapes with apple pieces, or mango. 

You can add almond slices or pecans for a crunchy treat, cheese, hard boiled sliced egg, or lemon juice to the mixture for added flavor.


International cuisine

A chicken salad can be served with bread for sandwiches, on a leaf of lettuce for a nice summertime treat or as a side dish with dinner or at a potluck.

Chicken salads can be really varied, this tropical fruit and chicken salad is just an example.

very easy, chill, food for a crowd
salad, appetizer, side dish
International food recipes
Food in the World