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Low carb shepherd's pie

Substitute mashed potatoes with cauliflower mash for a shepherd's pie dish that is low in carbohydrates.


1 lb beef (ground beef)
1⁄2 onion (finely chopped)
1 pk cauliflower (10 oz package frozen cauliflower)
2 T cream (heavy cream, double cream)
4 oz cheese (coarsely grated Cheddar cheese)
  seasoning (salt and pepper to taste)


Brown ground meat and onion as usual, drain.

Spread meat and onion in the bottom of pie dish evenly.

Cook cauliflower according to package directions, drain.

Whip together cauliflower, 2 tbsp heavy cream, and cream cheese as if whipping mashed potatoes.

Season with salt and pepper to your liking and spread whipped cauliflower over the meat layer in the dish.

Sprinkle with cheddar cheese across the top. Bake at 350° F for 15 - 20 minutes until cheese is melted and bubbling.

Total time
45 minutes
Cooking time
Preparation time
4 servings


Vary the flavor with other seasonings and spices than just salt and pepper.


North American cuisine

moderate, bake
meat, main course, entrée
American food recipes
Food in U.S.A.