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Smoked salmon stacks

A colorful dish, white from the potato and cream, orange from the smoked salmon and trout eggs, deep purple from the cooked beet. When there is color in food, there are anti-oxidants.


4 potato (boiled in their skins)
4 sli salmon (smoked salmon)
1⁄3 c cream (heavy cream, dobule cream, about 4 tablespoons)
  seasoning (salt and pepper to taste)
1 beet (peeled, cooked and cut into sticks)
1⁄2 c caviar (caviar substitute, trout roe or fish roe)


  1. Peel potatoes and cut in 1/5-inch thick slices.
  2. Use a round cookie cutter to cut circles from the potato and smoked salmon slices. Place them side by side to make 4 multi-layered potato and smoked salmon sandwiches. Keep them on the side. First and last should be potato, aim for 8-9 potato slices and 7-8 smoked salmon.
  3. Blend herbs into the creme and season with salt and pepper.
  4. To serve, place one salmon stack on each plate. Garnish with cooked beet, a little of the seasoned creme and trout eggs.
Total time
20 minutes
Cooking time
Preparation time
4 servings


Some may find easier to peel and slice the potatoes then cooked them in salted boiling water for 1-15 minutes, until cooked but firm.

Substitute cooked potatoes with round crackers or slices of cheese roll if you wish.


International cuisine

easy, put together
fish, appetizers, bunch, buffet
International food recipes
Food in the World


Use your preferred herbs. Chives are wonderful with cream while dill goes really well with salmon, and parsley suits almost every food... or be adventurous.