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Spiced rub for pork

Pork takes all sort of flavors, sweet as apples or spicy as this rub.


1 T ajwain (coriander seeds, whole)
3⁄4 t cinnamon (ground)
1 1⁄2 t mustard (dry powder)
1 1⁄2 t brown sugar
1 T fennel (whole fennel seeds,)
1 T cumin (whole cumin seeds)


  1. Toast all the seed in a small skillet. To prevent burning, cook over a medium heat, shaking the pan occasionally.
  2. Cook for 3-5 minutes, just until the first wisp of smoke appears.
  3. Cool to room temp. Mix all the ingredients together and grind to a powder.
Total time
15 minutes
Cooking time
Preparation time
1 batch


This recipe yields enough rub for 4 pork chops or 2 tenderloins.


North American cuisine

very easy, mix
condiments, rubs, meat
American food recipes
Food in U.S.A.