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Food pictures are categorized as still life. There is a difference on how men and women paint food. Daily life was what female artists painted. Painting kitchens and things on a table was not par of a man's world. How could male artists paint still life without losing their virility?
Pizza is one of the most popular foods in the world. It is eaten in just about every country, and in many of them it's consumed by the score every year. It is considered one of the basic Italian dishes.
Eating your vegetables takes on a whole new meaning when you begin juicing. The brilliant colors alone are fascinating to watch as they come through the spout of your juicer.
If we consider not all kinds of meat, fish, fruit and vegetables are available during the whole year and we know produce harvested at its peak has more nutrients, the question of what is winter food question arises.
Raw foods are extremely healthy for you and are so simple to prepare.
Nothing tastes more of the  country and no recipe worms and satisfies like a bean dish. Cheap, healthy and comforting,  beans are also incredible healthful and, if cooked properly, superb.
Beer is a beverage brewed from water, malted barley or other cereal, hops and yeast. Pilsner and lager are bottom-fermented beers – the yeast sinks to the bottom. Ales are top fermented – the yeast rises to the top.

The other members of this family include sodium and chloride. Unlike sodium and chloride which are found mainly in the body fluids that surround cells, approximately 95% of the body's potassium is stored in the body fluids inside the cells.

The basic pantry items millions of home cooks all over the world store; the ones they use every day to prepare simple, straightforward dishes, very easy to replicate at home.