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Chocolate icing

One recipe for chocolate icing. It is not the healthiest thing on Earth, as it contains corn syrup, but then what icing is good for you?


1 1⁄2 c cream (heavy cream, double cream)
16 oz chocolate (bittersweet or semi-sweet chocolate, chopped fine)
1⁄2 c corn syrup


  1. Place chocolate in a heat proof bowl.
  2. Bring cream to a boil in small saucepan over medium-high heat; pour over chocolate. Add corn syrup and let stand 3 minutes.
  3. Whisk gently until smooth; step in vanilla.
  4. Place in fridge and chill for 1 to 1 1/2 hours, stirring every 15 minutes, until the mix has the consistency to be spread.
Total time
15 minutes
Cooking time
Preparation time
3 cups


Preparation and cooking time do not include chilling time.


North American cuisine

easy, mix, chill, bake
icing, sweet sauces
American food recipes
Food in U.S.A.