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Coffee flavored chocolate cream

This chocolate cream puts a delicious end to any meal. Garnish with fresh mint leaves, fan shaped strawberries, canned tangerine segments, chopped toasted nuts, or whipped cream.


6 T sugar
3 oz chocolate (dark chocolate, about half a tablet of the cooking sort)
1 T cocoa (cocoa powder, level)
3⁄4 c milk
1 cake (pound cake, crumbled)
9 T coffee (brewed coffee)


Distribute the crumbled cake between 6 glass ramekins and pour 1 Tbs coffee on top of the cake. Let it soak while you prepare the rest.

In a sauce pan, mix cocoa powder with a little milk, stirring to prevent lumps. Slowly, add rest of milk, coffee and chocolate pieces. Mix well and heat up to the boiling point, but don't let it boil.

Beat egg yolks with sugar in another pan. Add cornstarch and mix.

Drip the hot chocolate and milk mixture on top of the eggs. Start cooking on low heat.

Cook gently, whisking continuously. When the cream begins to thicken, take it off the heat and whisk vigorously for a couple of minutes. Return to the heat and cook a few minutes more, don't stop the whisk, again up to the boiling point. Turn off the heat, and keep stirring 2-3 minutes more.

Pour the cream on top of the coffee soaked cake. Let it cool down. Garnish and serve.

Total time
30 minutes
Cooking time
Preparation time
4 servings


Heat the cream up to the boiling point, but don't let it boil. Take it off the heat source before it happens.

Use very low heat. To prevent the taste of un-cooked cornstarch, try the cream just when it starts to thicken and try it again later, when it has cooked for 2-3 minutes. You will notice the difference.

For coffee chocolate cream with a twist, try to use coffee liquor instead of coffee or a mix of both.


International cuisine

moderate, simmer
desserts, treats
International food recipes
Food in the World