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Picnic food

You can make the same sandwiches you have always made, or you could give this picnic a whole new flavor. Bringing a good main dish on a picnic, without making it into a  sandwich is doable.

Coffee tasting tips

Why should professionals have all the fun? 'Cuppers' taste coffee as an adjunct to professional buying, judging contests, writing reviews and so forth. But the joy of sitting before a half-dozen cups of Tanzanian Peaberry, Monsoon Mysore and the rest is a delight anyone can experience.

Coffee and health

The last 25 years has seen the growth of a cottage industry in the study of the health effects of drinking coffee. And no wonder - over 400 million cups a day are consumed throughout the world. But for decades health workers warned that the habit might be unsafe. Recent studies show the opposite is more likely to be the case.

Treats for a wine tasting

If you are having a wine tasting party, or even just a sunny afternoon, relaxing with friends by the pool, appetizers served with a suitable wine can be a real hit. Choose your foods as carefully as you choose your wine and your guests will be raving, and coming back for more.