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Norht and South America.

Mexican lasagna

This is one of the recipes that came to Arizona from Mexico; probably based in the typical quesadillas - corn tortillas filled with meat, cheese, or vegetables, and baked - also very popular. Corn tortillas are used in place of the traditional lasagna sheets.


A hearty bean dish in the best Brazilian and Portuguese traditions. Not only beans, count on finding almost every part of the pork, including sausages, and some beef.

Wine in Chile, Olé

Blessed with a Mediterranean climate similar to France or California, Chile has the added advantage of being south of the equator. That puts their summers from November to March, allowing them to harvest wine during the off-season of many other countries. Time shifting allows them to satisfy the market when others can't.

Wine and beer

Cornell University offers an advanced course titled 'Understanding Wine and Beer'. Topics covered range from the history of viticulture to the microbiology of fermentation to the neurobiology of taste, along with the expected lectures on chemistry, color and tasting methods. Clearly, the two most popular alcoholic drinks have arrived.