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eggs & dairy

Recipes and ideas with dairy products.

Paneer kebabs

Paneer kebabs are always welcomed as this cheese-like neutral flavor goes well with everything. You can use chicken or lamb, or just stab some vegetable,as suggested in this recipe, and get ready for a delicious meal.

Perfect paneer

Cottage cheese is known the world over. It is among the most basic of English or American foods and an ordinary component of a meal in France or Greece. But the Indian version, known as paneer, is just a little bit different. Similar to ricotta, it adds not just dairy but a delightful hint of tang to any dish. Making your own paneer, the Indian version of cottage cheese, can be a challenge, but a fun one at that.


A more acidic yogurt makes a better kadhi, you don't need to use the freshest yogurt to make kadhi. Often, in India, rests of morning yogurt are stored together until there is enough to make this drink.


This delicious Indian sauce or dip always had a plain yogurt base, although the vegetables and seasoning vary from one recipe to other.

The thousand and one cheeses

Charles de Gaulle is reported to have once said 'How can you govern a country that has 246 kinds of cheese?' But whatever may have been the administrative skills of that old French soldier, he was right about one thing. There are a great many kinds of cheese in the world, a tribute to the inventiveness of cheesemakers.